Saturday 12 November 2016

Isabella Duffy Yet another Anti Semetic and Conspiracy Theorist Nationalist

Yet another amazing believer of  batshit crazy conspiracy theories and bigoted and anti-semitic views  willing to share them all on social media without even caring in the slightest about it. What seems to be the real issue on view here is Irish Nationalism and the hate that goes along with that rather than any actual factual support for Scottish Nationalism at all

Isabella can be clearly seen to be the creator of  a campaign on the "Scotland Stolen Seas" This is complete myth that has been debunked time after time after time. Nationalists are so keen to try to lie to other Scots or are they just completely stupid themselves they actually believe this rubbish ?   More Information on that lie can be found on this link below. Look at the number of other stupid people signing the campaign ?  Mad absolutely mad. How stupid are Scots ?  

How unsurprising it is to find yet another Scottish  Nationalist willingly spreading anti-semetic conspiracy theory material ?

There never fails to be a made up McCrae conspiracy story among the Nationalist Propaganda

Putin's Russia Today"Website  is Putin's tool for spreading anti EU,UK and USA propaganda and yet the low IQ Nats are falling for it hook line and sinker. Yet more Anti BBC conspiracy theories as always.

Are there any Idiots that would believe stuff like this ?

 Surprise Surprise. So the issue here is Irish Nationalism  and British Hate ?

More batshit mad rubbish 

More made up conspiracy theory garbage, why do so called Adults fall for this crap ?

Nope they didn't , just more Nationalist invented false propaganda on someones made up blog
 More "Russia Today" anti western propaganda
Nationalists are always happy to attack anyone other than their own side, you won't hear them ever mention the numerous times Alex Salmond  (see photo two below)  has fallen asleep in the House of Commons

Because Alex~Salmond can do no wrong in Nationalists Eyes


Its strange how Nationalists do their best to avoid admitting their own History. A previous SNP leader Arthur Donaldson was well know to be a Nazi Sympathiser and plotted to assist Hitler during WW2.

Sharing More Pure Irish Nationalist Hate on Social Media


The David Icke Website for lovers of Conspiracy theorists worldwide

Sharing these sorts of conspiracy theories must surely be a sign of a weak mind ?

More Conspiracy Theorist made up lies

Conspiracy Theorists flock to and love to share WingsoverScotlands made up stories.

Enough said on this sad individual ? 