Wednesday, 16 November 2016
Scots Nat Hatemongers are the worst on Social Media
What more needs to be said on this ?
There are plenty of examples of that sort of abuse here
Including the Hatemongers that are Scottish Teachers
Teacher below gets reprimand for Anti English Tweet (not only a single instance) For Article click here
#activesnp #BothVotesSNP #sp16 #Holyrood #Indycamp #Indyref2 #SNPout #SNP
#SNPcult #Scotland
#Yessnp #Yes #SNPcult #Cults #ScottishResistance #DavidIcke
#Hamilton #Larkhall #Stonehouse #Nairn #Culloden #Inverness #
#BBCScotland #Cybernats #Goebbels
#GERS #Gers #Gers
Cat Boyd "Marxist" happily using an "inheritance" when it suited
Take a good look here and see what a complete Hypocrite Cat Boyd is for yourself.
No Credibility at all. "Do what i say not as I do" ?
There is nothing like a career choice "would be" politician willing to say anything to get elected.
Evening Times Article written by Catriona Stewart 9 Apr 2016
I have, for some time, greatly admired Cat Boyd of the Socialist party RISE. She reminds me of me if I were a little braver. In a recent interview she talked about being able to buy her west end flat because of an inheritance from her grandmother.
I was deflated by this. Truly, thoroughly, let down. Here she is, a feisty young socialist with social equality at the forefront of her professed principles and… she supports inheritance. Well, she doesn’t support inheritance – she’s called for a 90 per cent tax rate on inheritance for the wealthiest. “End inherited wealth and privilege,” she tweeted. Which is a fine stance to take after benefitting from inherited wealth and privilege.
(The whole article can be read by clicking here)
Just say anything populist in the hope it might help you get elected.
Cat Boyd likes to make out the article is wrong and that what was written about her is actually a Lie, of course if this was true and she really wanted to make something of it she could resort to court action and claim damages against the writer to defend her own character. The fact that she has chosen not to do so is very telling, on the whole it means there is actually nothing to contest ie that it wasn't a Lie at all. What was quoted by the writer is true and therefore cannot be proven to be a Lie at all and trying to prove otherwise would be a waste of time and likely to end in an expensive failed court action. Making lots of noise about "Lies" then not doing anything about it says everything. Maybe Cats "version" of Socialism after all is just different from other peoples.
Just because people don't bother to attend Cat's meetings and say the same to her Face doesn't mean they couldn't or wouldn't if they could be bothered to do so, its a pitifully poor attempt at a straw man argument by Cat that somehow people are afraid to say what they think to her face, they are not, its just the fact they don't care about what Cat Boyd says or have a need to attend her meetings that they actually don't, no other reason exists. Some people really do have a misplaced idea of their own self importance.
A Woman with no Morals ?
Oh Dear , Never mind Cat they didn't :-)
More Criticism.
Birds of Feather etc
Cat Boyd doing her best to make excuses and force her own crazed opinion on others
The work of a career politician, no morals
Cat Boyd sharing platform with Gerry Adams
Lolling at this below !!!!
Just the usual Lefty self satisfying confirmation bias satisfying clap trap from Boyd here.
Politics_needs_MORE_hecklers Link from the "National"
"Good on the hecklers. Good on the students of x university. Politics needs more of them, not less. Rees-Mogg isn’t a fascist, but of all the people who are inaccurately described that way, he’s a more than deserving candidate. Give him the respect he deserves."
"Robo-politicians are made, not born. Starting young, they’re encouraged to join in the political establishment, debating in a suit at 14. They quickly become the slick-talking bore of tomorrow"
We know exactly what you mean Cat , plenty of them around ? One right here .
# #Yescity #Glasgow #Dundee
#Cults #ScottishResistance #DavidIcke #Cat Boyd RISE
#BBCScotland #Cybernats #Goebbels
#Wee Ginger Dug #GERS #Gers #Gers #Cat Boyd #RISE
Sunday, 13 November 2016
Harry Samh AKA Stephen Lyall Alleged Fraudster profiting from Nationalist suckers
Screenshotted from a Nationalist Social media page, You do have to wonder how many tens of thousands of pounds have ended up misappropriated into essentially criminal hands via the Independence movement ? Collection buckets are continually offered on marches , who really knows whose hands it actually ends up in ?
More spreading of ridiculous rubbish, how thick are Nationalists ?
#SNPcult #Scotland
# Rangers #Celtic #SNPLies #Oil Revenues #Stolen Scottish Oil #YES Bikers
#Dundee #Yescity #Glasgow #Dundee
#Yessnp #Yes #celebsforindy #SNPcult #Cults #Scottish Resistance #DavidIcke
#Hamilton #Larkhall #Stonehouse #Nairn #Culloden #Inverness #Fracking
#BBCScotland #Cybernats #Goebbels
#Stolen Oil #Scottish Oil #Wee Ginger Dug #GERS #Gers #Gers
Peter Bell Cybernat ...known as the Zoomer's Zoomer
Peter Bell caught lying yet again on Scots iScot Pensions , the truth is RUK would not have any Scottish Pension liabilities at all as iScot would be liable for ALL Scots pensions after any YES vote see more on link below
See more on iScot pension liabilities here
Peter Bell in full flow , this is someone who likes to think he is actually some sort of "intellectual".
Some comments below from the thread this was posted on :-
"There is something vile about him. He seems consistently hateful."
"Totally incapable of a civil conversation if you disagree with him."
"Face of Scots natism without Nicolson or Salmond's veneer of oleaginous self-regarding charm"
"Not that complicated. Nationalism is a means for him expressing deep-rooted inner violence"
Peter Bell is without doubt one of the most manic and enthusiastic of the SNP's cheerleaders, he is without doubt also one of the poorest informed. Peter Bell has no understanding of Scotlands finance's at all , abuses other people who actually do and yet spends his hours writing Blogs on Finance and Scottish Nationalism that he then circulates around Scotland via the Internet and Social media to deliberately misinform others.
Peter Bell is so bad he is held in little regard by well known other long time trusted SNP members.
Even Unionist's try to help Peter Bell out in understanding Scotland's Financial issues , in return
though from Peter Bell they just get more personal always the usual action from misinformed clueless cybernat's everywhere across Scotland.
Thinker ? Listener ? Peter Bell has the usual Nationalist self deluded view of himself that he is actually "informed" when its very easy to see that he certainly IS NOT.
Peter Bell admitting that he and other Cybernat's will simply keep on lying on who is paying for Crossrail, London Sewers, non existent "Whisky Export Tax etc.
Peter Bell attempts to raise funds for himself via a personal Paypal Account more on his fundraising attempts can be read here
Another Blog on the often abusive Cybernat Peter Bell.
"Insightful Observation, "Britshit" and fundraising of Indy"
Peter Bell showing his usual behaviour here ..deliberately attacking and shouting down other people to defend the SNP at all costs. In his eyes the SNP can do NO wrong and no one has a right to question or criticise them. Peoples working lives are tough (especially working Mothers with young children) but Peter thinks they should extend their working day to work around the SNP's failures to get the Railway contractors to meet their Timetable commitments so that his beloved SNP that he worships avoids any criticism.
#activesnp #BothVotesSNP #sp16 #Holyrood #Indycamp #Indyref2 #SNPout #SNP
#SNPcult #Scotland
#SNPLies #Oil Revenues #Stolen Scottish Oil #YES Bikers
#Dundee #Yescity #Glasgow #Dundee
#Yessnp #Yes #celebsforindy #SNPcult #Cults #ScottishResistance #DavidIcke
#BBCScotland #Cybernats #Goebbels #IndyCamp
#Stolen Oil #Scottish Oil #Wee Ginger Dug #GERS #Gers #Gers
See more on iScot pension liabilities here
Peter Bell in full flow , this is someone who likes to think he is actually some sort of "intellectual".
Some comments below from the thread this was posted on :-
"There is something vile about him. He seems consistently hateful."
"Totally incapable of a civil conversation if you disagree with him."
"Face of Scots natism without Nicolson or Salmond's veneer of oleaginous self-regarding charm"
"Not that complicated. Nationalism is a means for him expressing deep-rooted inner violence"
Peter Bell is without doubt one of the most manic and enthusiastic of the SNP's cheerleaders, he is without doubt also one of the poorest informed. Peter Bell has no understanding of Scotlands finance's at all , abuses other people who actually do and yet spends his hours writing Blogs on Finance and Scottish Nationalism that he then circulates around Scotland via the Internet and Social media to deliberately misinform others.
Peter Bell is so bad he is held in little regard by well known other long time trusted SNP members.
Even Unionist's try to help Peter Bell out in understanding Scotland's Financial issues , in return
though from Peter Bell they just get more personal always the usual action from misinformed clueless cybernat's everywhere across Scotland.
Peter Bell showing the whole World what most people already know, that he is completely clueless on Scotland's financial situation yet spreads his financially illiterate Blogs across the Internet. |
Scotland does NOT Pay anything towards Crossrail, Westminster repairs, Hinkley C Power Station or Londons Sewers and only pays towards 2% of HS2 with Scottish Governments blessing as Scotland will get benefits from HS2. These are not difficult facts to actually find out about, if Scotland paid for them it would tell you so in GERS, the only one even mentioned in GERS is the 2% we contribute with SNP Scot Gov's blessing. GERS are not fiction, they are EU standards of statistics and are of a standard judged to be worthly to be called National Statistics. (as stated on GERS here on the "Code of Practice link" (click to see GERS page)
GERs Facts and Fallicies
Scotlands Infrastructure Spending
Thames Water Sewers Finance
Scotlands Non Existent "Whisky Export Duty" and other Lies on Whisky
The SNP now has plenty of Powers available so why does it choose not to use them , it could sort out Waspi issues and pay higher pensions to Scots but chooses not to do that why not ?
Scotland DOES have Tax Raising Powers even if Peter Bell is clueless on the matter |
Once again Peter Bell proving that for him nothing matters or how many Scots lives changed for the worse as long as HE gets what HE wants, that all that really matters. |
Thinker ? Listener ? Peter Bell has the usual Nationalist self deluded view of himself that he is actually "informed" when its very easy to see that he certainly IS NOT.
Peter Bell admitting that he and other Cybernat's will simply keep on lying on who is paying for Crossrail, London Sewers, non existent "Whisky Export Tax etc.
Peter Bell attempts to raise funds for himself via a personal Paypal Account more on his fundraising attempts can be read here
Another Blog on the often abusive Cybernat Peter Bell.
"Insightful Observation, "Britshit" and fundraising of Indy"
#SNPcult #Scotland
#SNPLies #Oil Revenues #Stolen Scottish Oil #YES Bikers
#Dundee #Yescity #Glasgow #Dundee
#Yessnp #Yes #celebsforindy #SNPcult #Cults #ScottishResistance #DavidIcke
#BBCScotland #Cybernats #Goebbels
#Stolen Oil #Scottish Oil #Wee Ginger Dug #GERS #Gers #Gers
Saturday, 12 November 2016
Isabella Duffy Yet another Anti Semetic and Conspiracy Theorist Nationalist
Yet another amazing believer of batshit crazy conspiracy theories and bigoted and anti-semitic views willing to share them all on social media without even caring in the slightest about it. What seems to be the real issue on view here is Irish Nationalism and the hate that goes along with that rather than any actual factual support for Scottish Nationalism at all
Isabella can be clearly seen to be the creator of a campaign on the "Scotland Stolen Seas" This is complete myth that has been debunked time after time after time. Nationalists are so keen to try to lie to other Scots or are they just completely stupid themselves they actually believe this rubbish ? More Information on that lie can be found on this link below. Look at the number of other stupid people signing the campaign ? Mad absolutely mad. How stupid are Scots ?
How unsurprising it is to find yet another Scottish Nationalist willingly spreading anti-semetic conspiracy theory material ?
There never fails to be a made up McCrae conspiracy story among the Nationalist Propaganda
Putin's Russia Today"Website is Putin's tool for spreading anti EU,UK and USA propaganda and yet the low IQ Nats are falling for it hook line and sinker. Yet more Anti BBC conspiracy theories as always.
Are there any Idiots that would believe stuff like this ? |
More batshit mad rubbish |
More "Russia Today" anti western propaganda
Nationalists are always happy to attack anyone other than their own side, you won't hear them ever mention the numerous times Alex Salmond (see photo two below) has fallen asleep in the House of Commons
Because Alex~Salmond can do no wrong in Nationalists Eyes |
Its strange how Nationalists do their best to avoid admitting their own History. A previous SNP leader Arthur Donaldson was well know to be a Nazi Sympathiser and plotted to assist Hitler during WW2.
Sharing More Pure Irish Nationalist Hate on Social Media
The David Icke Website for lovers of Conspiracy theorists worldwide |
Sharing these sorts of conspiracy theories must surely be a sign of a weak mind ? |
More Conspiracy Theorist made up lies
Conspiracy Theorists flock to and love to share WingsoverScotlands made up stories.
What reading WingsOverScotland does to a Nationalists mind
Enough said on this sad individual ?
======================================================================#SNPcult #Scotland
# Rangers #Celtic #SNPLies #Oil Revenues #Stolen Scottish Oil #YES Bikers
#Dundee #Yescity #Glasgow #Dundee
#Yessnp #Yes #celebsforindy #SNPcult #Cults #ScottishResistance #DavidIcke
#Hamilton #Larkhall #Stonehouse #Nairn #Culloden #Inverness #Fracking
#BBCScotland #Cybernats #Goebbels
#Stolen Oil #Scottish Oil #Wee Ginger Dug #GERS #Gers #Gers
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