More Wee Ginger Dug Invented lies seen here Lies , Damned Lies and Accounting tricks
The latest Nationalist Lying Propagandist moneyraiser trick..."pay for my Wedding" and all my own other lifestyle choices.
The Wee Ginger Lying Dugs invented crap is exposed for all to see on the Freedom of Information Request return below, despite the Lying Gingers Dugs assertion that " The Scottish Government has a legal obligation to produce the GERS figures " the Scottish Government itself says this is simply a Lie , there is NO legal obligation to publish GERS or any of its other produced statistics.
So once again just proven Lies from a Nationalist invented propaganda generator who has no actual factual real knowledge to offer anyone other than his own invented fantasy garbage.
None, Zero, Nada, Zilch
More exposing of the WeeWhingingDugs made up fantasy Lies on the link below
Paul Kavanaghs latest attempt to spread more of his invented conspiracy theorist made up rubbish on the link below, this man really needs to go and get some psychotherapy or counselling for whatever his mental problem is ...or is he simply knowingly and deliberately making up this rubbish to deceive as many others as he can to hold on to those people who are unable to see what a Narcissist and who cannot hide his desire to be "worshipped" no matter how many lies he has to tell to get his personal fix of "Adoration" from the pool of "useful Idiots" swimming in the Nationalist Seas ?
#Yessnp #Yes #Wee Ginger Dug #Ginger Dug #Paul Kavanagh