Tuesday, 19 September 2017
Sunday, 14 May 2017
David Halliday Wings Acolyte and Propagandist
David Halliday likes to continually slag off BBC Scotland News yet his bidie in Girlfriend reads exactly the same News for STV News programmes. BBC News Bad, STV News good. Pitiful.
Wednesday, 12 April 2017
Richard Murphy Another Propagandist Galslighter deliberately playing Scots for complete Fools
Richard Murphy once again being exposed as a fool and deliberate deceiver of "Useful Idiot " Scots Nationalists See the Thread here Richard Muphy gets Schooled on Truthful Economics
Here also we have Richard Murphy seen reading two completely different financial reports produced in two different financial Years and doesn't even understand he is doing so or why he cannot get the numbers to match , he then goes and writes a conspiracy blog for Scottish Nationalists on why the numbers don't match and blames the UK Government for it instead of his own stupidity and sloppy Schoolboy error in not understanding he was comparing different sets of data and from even two completely different years.
The Scottish Parliaments own Video clip with Murphy can be see on the links below , it clearly exposes him as a complete buffoon and Murphy is finally forced to admit at Holyrood himself that he did NOT do ANY proper research on Scotlands numbers at all and simply made up his own false propaganda instead.
The same clip also available on youtube here https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=9&v=Ni5dTPBgLKE
Richard Murphy getting shown to be a fool on Scot Gov GERS figures, Nats will cling on to any clown who tells them a story they really want to hear ...gullible suckers.
Richard Murphy once again taken apart of financial facts yet still clings onto trying to hand onto his assertion "GERS massively flawed" by pointing to minor parts of data which make little difference to the GERs reports ...desperately clutching at straws
And more from the papers http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/politics/economic-facts-become-snps-enemy-11124265.amp
Member of Sturgeon Fan club
Fraser of Allander (University of Strathclyde Economists)
All about GERS Part1 https://fraserofallander.org/2017/08/17/next-weeks-gers-numbers-part-1/
and Part 2 https://fraserofallander.org/2017/08/18/next-weeks-gers-numbers-part-2/

Richard Murphy "Tax Advisor " (not an economist) gets a drubbing here from Economics Professor Simon Wren Lewis (Emeritus Professor of Economics and Fellow of Merton College, University of Oxford)
Here also we have Richard Murphy seen reading two completely different financial reports produced in two different financial Years and doesn't even understand he is doing so or why he cannot get the numbers to match , he then goes and writes a conspiracy blog for Scottish Nationalists on why the numbers don't match and blames the UK Government for it instead of his own stupidity and sloppy Schoolboy error in not understanding he was comparing different sets of data and from even two completely different years.
The Scottish Parliaments own Video clip with Murphy can be see on the links below , it clearly exposes him as a complete buffoon and Murphy is finally forced to admit at Holyrood himself that he did NOT do ANY proper research on Scotlands numbers at all and simply made up his own false propaganda instead.
The same clip also available on youtube here https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=9&v=Ni5dTPBgLKE
Richard Murphy getting shown to be a fool on Scot Gov GERS figures, Nats will cling on to any clown who tells them a story they really want to hear ...gullible suckers.
Richard Murphy once again taken apart of financial facts yet still clings onto trying to hand onto his assertion "GERS massively flawed" by pointing to minor parts of data which make little difference to the GERs reports ...desperately clutching at straws
And more from the papers http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/politics/economic-facts-become-snps-enemy-11124265.amp
Member of Sturgeon Fan club
Fraser of Allander (University of Strathclyde Economists)
All about GERS Part1 https://fraserofallander.org/2017/08/17/next-weeks-gers-numbers-part-1/
and Part 2 https://fraserofallander.org/2017/08/18/next-weeks-gers-numbers-part-2/
Richard Murphy "Tax Advisor " (not an economist) gets a drubbing here from Economics Professor Simon Wren Lewis (Emeritus Professor of Economics and Fellow of Merton College, University of Oxford)
There is only one
way that public spending for given taxes could be higher in an MMT
world compared to Labour’s fiscal rule, and that is if inflation
was not controlled at all. That is not what serious MMT economists
would recommend. So when Richard says Labour’s rule means a Labour
government would be committed to austerity policies, by which I think
he means low public spending, while his MMT alternative would allow
more public spending without raising taxes, he is, once again, just wrong.
Wednesday, 15 March 2017
Cliff Serbie...There surely is madness here ?
This below surely can only be the work of a deluded madman ?
The True Annual Figures are available from our own
Scottish Government Website here https://www.gov.scot/Publications/2017/08/7201
SNP Scot Governments own Website says "Scotland raised £5b8bn but spent £71bn on providing Scottish Public Services ,,an overspend (Deficit) of £13bn annually , yet Serbie spreads made up rubbish like this below around..clearly not "intelligent " or "well informed " at all.
If there ever was anything that demonstrated Cliff Serbie is just a moron.....
The True Annual Figures are available from our own
Scottish Government Website here https://www.gov.scot/Publications/2017/08/7201
SNP Scot Governments own Website says "Scotland raised £5b8bn but spent £71bn on providing Scottish Public Services ,,an overspend (Deficit) of £13bn annually , yet Serbie spreads made up rubbish like this below around..clearly not "intelligent " or "well informed " at all.
"The Scottish Government's Chief Statistician takes responsibility for this publication"
If there ever was anything that demonstrated Cliff Serbie is just a moron.....
Tuesday, 31 January 2017
Wee Ginger Dug a barking mad Nationalist False Propaganda writer
More Wee Ginger Dug Invented lies seen here Lies , Damned Lies and Accounting tricks
The latest Nationalist Lying Propagandist moneyraiser trick..."pay for my Wedding" and all my own other lifestyle choices.
The Wee Ginger Lying Dugs invented crap is exposed for all to see on the Freedom of Information Request return below, despite the Lying Gingers Dugs assertion that " The Scottish Government has a legal obligation to produce the GERS figures " the Scottish Government itself says this is simply a Lie , there is NO legal obligation to publish GERS or any of its other produced statistics.
So once again just proven Lies from a Nationalist invented propaganda generator who has no actual factual real knowledge to offer anyone other than his own invented fantasy garbage.
None, Zero, Nada, Zilch http://chokkablog.blogspot.co.uk/2016/07/unknown-region-exports-hidden-gdp.html
More exposing of the WeeWhingingDugs made up fantasy Lies on the link below
Paul Kavanaghs latest attempt to spread more of his invented conspiracy theorist made up rubbish on the link below, this man really needs to go and get some psychotherapy or counselling for whatever his mental problem is ...or is he simply knowingly and deliberately making up this rubbish to deceive as many others as he can to hold on to those people who are unable to see what a Narcissist and who cannot hide his desire to be "worshipped" no matter how many lies he has to tell to get his personal fix of "Adoration" from the pool of "useful Idiots" swimming in the Nationalist Seas ?
#Yessnp #Yes #Wee Ginger Dug #Ginger Dug #Paul Kavanagh
Thursday, 26 January 2017
Gordon McIntyre Kemp the SNP Business for Scotland False Propaganda writer
23/5/2018 McIntyre-Kemp gets shredded on TV again discussing the SNP's Growth Commission Report
25/01/2017 The writer of made up propaganda for "Business for Scotland" Gordon McIntyre Kemp gets destroyed on currency and exports on Scotland Tonight by Kevin Hague see on the link below
THE founder and chief executive of the pro-independence group Business for Scotland has admitted losing “a significant amount of money” after his sole business venture was wound up.
Gordon Macintyre-Kemp, who is behind a new fundraising campaign for a second referendum, put more than £50,000 into a social media consultancy that ended with net assets of £594.
Intelligise Limited, which was based at Mr Macintyre-Kemp’s home in Jordanhill in Glasgow, was “dissolved via voluntary strike-off” in February 2016, the Herald can reveal. See Article Here
More of Gordon's made up propaganda rubbish picked apart below
1 Deutsche Bank Report http://chokkablog.blogspot.co.uk/2015/02/business-for-scotland-deutsche-bank.html
2 Oil Price and Scottish Tax Generation http://chokkablog.blogspot.co.uk/2015/04/oil-price-and-scottish-tax-generation.html
3 Independence and the Economy http://chokkablog.blogspot.co.uk/2014/07/response-to-independence-and-economy.html
4 £8.3bn Better off http://chokkablog.blogspot.co.uk/2014/08/83bn-better-off.html
5 The Oil crash is Good (120 Thousand jobs have been lost in Scotlands Oil Industry FFS ) https://whytepaper.wordpress.com/2016/03/09/the-oil-crash-is-good-for-the-overall-economy-and-gordon-macintyre-kemps-deficit-deception/
If you actually believe Kemp's spin in his made up lies then you must be a gullible fool, so think hard about them. http://rwbblog.blogspot.co.uk/2017/01/hail-mary.html
Business for Scotlands "propagandist in chief " is Gordon MacIntyre Kemp who also writes propaganda for the SNP's Nationalist Fanzine "The National" Newspaper ,another source of mostly "made up " or manipulated facts to further the goals of Scottish Nationalism and to attack Westminster wherever possible. Goebbels himself would have been proud of the work attempted in the "National". Rather Ironic don't you think for Gordon to be talking of "narrow-minded insular national agendas" when his own job is to actually write false articles to pursue those very same goals ?
McIntyre-Kemp turns £50K of his own money into £500. Yep... £500.
Click for article here
More on Business for Scotland here
MacIntyre-Kemp the false propagandist caught providing misinformation or deliberate lies once again
Soon debunked once again by Kevin Hague
20 August 2017 The original Sunday Heralds Full Zoomer article again written by McIntyre-Kemp.
"Westminster's Scotland Oil Lies" Click here Archived
20 August 2017 : See Chris Deering taking apart the latest McIntyre-Kemps latest
invented Sunday Herald fantasy right here Archived
22 August 2017 : Kevin Hague's clearly explained Blog on the fantasy Business for Scotland McIntyre-Kemp written Sunday Herald piece Click here to read blog Archived
23 August 2017 : Amazingly one embarrassing bruising wasn't enough and McIntyre-Kemp has come back with another post truth piece of writing not only denying his previous delusion but trying to re-inforce it. Click here for article Archived
#BBCScotland #Cybernats #Goebbels
#Business for Scotland #Gordon MacIntyre Kemp #Gordon MacIntyre-Kemp
#£8bn Better Off
#£8bn Better Off ?
#£8bn better off ?
#Independent Scotland £8bn better off ?
#Would an Independent Scotland be £8bn better off ?
#Deutsche Bank Report
#£8.3bn better off ?
#£8.3bn Better Off
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